My DNA Matrix
The brain is the core of all
human development
Your career DNA
Your DNA matrix
The DNA Matrix is a dynamic process where the brain's intricate systems align perfectly with the demands of a task, creating a harmonious and efficient synergy.
How you think, how you communicate, how you learn, what motivates you, its all in your DNA Matrix
Human skills
Its what's inside (you) that matters:
What you'll get through your brain-based report
Behavior preferences: your brain map is a graphical portrait of how your brain likes to work
Work Aptitude profile: your natural mental or physical talents for doing or learning to job tasks easily and quickly
Work Environment Performance Predictions: the work cultures and work environment your brain is best suited
Work Preference Profile: your degree of preference in a range of work activities associated with any job
Career development Analysis: zoom-in to 26 business related characteristics for any job
Your personalized careers search engine, with graphical comparison of your preferences and aptitudes versus the ideal set for peak performance in any job in America's most extensive jobs database, O.Net.
Take your life planning and career exploration to the next level!
Download brain-based principles
What our learners say
What a learning experience! It helped me realize how much more creative I can become and how to apply my creativity in everyday life. After taking the PRISM brain mapping assessment, I was shocked by how much insight it gave me into myself. I would have been content with just taking the PRISM assessment and reading my results. The careers search engine is very cool and gave me insights into careers I had not considered. I now feel much more confident in making the right career decision.
This was an absolutely amazing experience! I learned so much about how my brain works and what that means for my work life and just life in general. I cannot recommend this enough especially to people who are just starting to figure out which direction they want to go in life as this tool was extremely helpful in showing me in great detail what career choices would best fit my style of thinking, working and living. On top of that Carl and Mark amazingly displayed this class in a format that was both easy to understand and keep up with as well as being saturated with interesting information.
Seriously fantastic!